Re: snort?
Daniel Baumann wrote:
> This means, you have to bug the maintainer of snort about updating
> his package in Debian first. As soon as it is in testing then, a
> backport could be made (no, I'm not volonteering for that).
I'm sorry, mea culpa. For one, what you already said. For two, I later
realized the reason for snort is not packaged is NOT some laziness of
the maintainer: Upstream licence changed in 2.3. Data files (rules) in
later revisions cannot be distributed freely. If I understand it
correctly, the maintainer does not want to pack snort with only a few
tens of free rules with what I agree.
I think the way to get recent snort (which is tempting) is to build it
myself and register to get the free rules.
fn:Vlada Macek
adr:;;;Liberec;;;Czech Republic
title:UNIX Admin && Developer
tel;cell:+420 608 978 164
note;quoted-printable:GPG info: key 0x1F059424, fingerprint 1494 F8DD 6379 4CD7 E7E3 1FC9 D750=
4243 1F05 9424=0D=0A=
When you find a virus in mail from me, then I intended to infect you, sin=
ce I use SW that is not distributing malware w/o my knowledge.=0D=0A=
Reply to:
- References:
- snort?
- From: Vlada Macek <>
- Re: snort?
- From: Daniel Baumann <>