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Re: mediawiki1.5

Dave Williams <dwilliams@dclab.com> (Thu 17 Aug 2006 17:51:05 CEST):

> Just a quick note to backports (not sure if this is the right place for
> it).
> I added mediawiki1.5 to a fresh Sarge install and experienced one
> dependency problem:
> Instead of libapache2-php it brought in the libapache-php module.  Not
> sure where this dependency arises, but it required manual correction.

I guess you mean libapache[2]-mod-php.

Afaiu it is hard to get 100% perfect dependencies as you can run it w/
different http servers; anyway, if, it would be a problem of the
actual package (see http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mediawiki1.5.html
or http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mediawiki1.7.html).


Stephan A Suerken <suerken|absurd@schlund.de>
Phone: +49.721.913744-393

Schlund + Partner AG, Karlsruhe

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