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CDD backports (e.g: gaim)

I'm working on a CDD (Sarge based) so we need some backports. I would
like to upload it to backports.org too, i need to look in our svn
repository and list what makes sense to upload (initng and others) but
there's gaim 2 beta 3.

The changelog:

gaim (1:2.0.0+beta3-3.backports.org.1) sarge-backports; urgency=low

  [ Gaim 2 Beta3 Debian GNU/Linux Sarge backport ]
  * gaim-dev commented due to a unknown bug
  * debhelper compatibility downgraded (5->4)
  * debian/control:
    - cdbs b-d downgraded
    - Build-Depends removed:
      libxss-dev, libmeanwhile-dev, libe*-dev, libcamel-1.2-dev,
    - xlibs-dev build-depends added
    - dbus related build-depends renamed
    - Gustavo Franco added in the Uploaders field. :-)

 -- Gustavo Franco <stratus@debian.org>  Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:58:50 -0300

I think -3bpo1 would do, but i just did what you documented in the website.

Hope that helps,
-- stratus

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