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Re: Bug#849427: ITP: mpgrafic -- MPI version of N-body initial conditions grafic package

Boud Roukema <boud-debian@cosmo.torun.pl> writes:
> On Tue, 27 Dec 2016, Ole Streicher wrote:
>> I would be happy to sponsor the package. Could you put the packaging to
>> our alioth git repository? This would help to discuss the several
>> aspects of the package.
> Done! :)
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-astro/packages/mpgrafic.git

Great! Here are my comments:

* please include a "pristine-tar" branch. This can easily created with

  "pristine-tar commit mpgrafic_0.3.2.1.orig.tar.gz"
  You may need to install the pristine-tar package first.

* You should provide a file "debian/watch" that helps others downloading
  the newest source version. For bitbucket, you can use the hint here:


* debian/control:
   - Priority should be "optional" unless you have conflicts with other
   - libgsl0-dev does not exist anymore. Use libgsl-dev
   - please use Standards-Version 3.9.8

* debian/copyright: You don't need a separate paragraph for debian if
  the main copyright matches it as well. And please use the short name
  "GPL-2+" as short name

* debian/rules: Please clean up. We are at debhelper 9, and we don't
  need DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS or "include /usr/share/dpkg/default.mk"
  I would also remove all unused "export" statements. Basically, the
  only three lines you need is the bang path (first line), and
        dh $@  --with autotools-dev
  It is much easier to maintain if debian/rules is short :-)

* The manual page has in the "NAME" section:

  mpgrafic \- manual page for mpgrafic 0.3.2

  which is quite useless. The right side should be a short explanaton of
  what mpgraphic is. You could take that from the first paragraph of the
  "DESCRIPTION" section (and remove that).

Generally, I would recommend to run the "lintian" program on the
generated file mpgrafic_0.3.2.1-1_source.changes. There are some options
which make it quite picky, which gives some hints what to change:

$ lintian -E -I --pedantic /var/cache/pbuilder/result/mpgrafic_0.3.2.1-1_amd64.changes
W: mpgrafic source: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique (paragraph at line 32)
W: mpgrafic source: ancient-standards-version 3.9.5 (current is 3.9.8)
I: mpgrafic source: debian-watch-file-is-missing
I: mpgrafic: spelling-error-in-binary usr/bin/mpgrafic substracting subtracting
I: mpgrafic: hardening-no-bindnow usr/bin/mpgrafic
W: mpgrafic: manpage-has-useless-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man1/mpgrafic.1.gz

"W:" are warnings and should not be ignored; "E:" are errors (dito).
Other tags can be ignored in principle, but give good hints (f.e. the
missing watch file) above. If you don't understand, you can just google
for the tags.

Summarized, the package is already in a good state; the problems are
only minor. However, in the next weeks the Debian Stretch release is
going to be prepared, and mpgrafic will not make it there (because the
deadline is already over). I am afraid that our ftp-masters will not
hurry in accepting packages until stretch is released. So, I will upload
your package when the items above are resolved, but don't expect a quick
appearance in Debian.

Best regards


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