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Re: Fwd: Bug#764549: ITP: siril -- Astronomical image processing tool

Hi Vincent,

nice to hear that you actually started!

Vincent Hourdin <debian-siril@free-astro.vinvin.tf> writes:
> The upstream package has not been released yet, I was waiting for the
> debian package to work before releasing it, if corrections are needed
> for it. I have done an svn export in the upstream branch, and if I
> understand correctly, you need to make a tarball of this branch and name
> it siril_0.9.0b.orig.tar.gz in the parent directory to be able to build
> the package.

Is there a 0.9.0b version of siril in SVN or as tarball? If it is in
SVN: I would just "export" this tag and then manually create the tarball
(and, for the time being, I would just describe how you did this in
README.source). If there is already a 0.0.9b tarball, rename it as you
stated. Once you have a debian/watch file, these steps will be done

However, if the "b" indicates a "beta" prerelease of 0.9.0, the correct
name would be 0.9.0~b -- this way a later the 0.9.0 release number would
be considered higher than the prerelease. 

> I'm currently unable to build it because I have made a modification in
> the debian branch to remove the LICENSE file from make install, and
> debuild detects it and stops.

If the original tar ball contains a debian subdir, you need to repackage
it and remove this subdir. Since there is hope that in the final release
the debian subdir will be removed, I would just manually do this (and
describe it again in README.source); however if the debian/ subdir is
kept in the upstream sources you would need to write a script for that:


In any case, you need to indicate the repackaging by adding a "+repack"
to the upstream version number.

Again, if everything is then setup correctly with the debian/watch file,
the repackaging will be done automatically when a new upstream version
is there.

>  * Since it is a gui program, it may be worth to create a desktop icon
>    and a menu entry for it.
> -> we have an icon in the upstream files, the file named pixmaps/siril_1.svg
> -> we have not done any menu, I guess you are more experienced than us 
>    for that matter

For the menu:


For the desktop, I couldn't find the proper documentation. Here is a
template from one of my packages:

----------------- debian/saods9.desktop ------------------
[Desktop Entry]
Name=SAOImage DS9 
GenericName=Image Viewer
Comment=Astronomical Data Visualization Application
Exec=ds9 %F

I have no idea yet how to put a svg icon there -- my is an xpm. Please
ask on the debian-mentors list for better info :-)

> debian/copyright
> ----------------
>  * The encoding (for author names etc.) should be UTF-8.
> -> I have no way of encoding the files in UTF-8, you may need to convert them.

I don't understand this. Doesn't your editor understand UTF-8? You may
also use a converter like recode.

Best regards


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