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Re: Using Raspberry POE hat with bullseye

Hello Fernando,

On 8/20/23 18:00, Fernando Fernández wrote:
First of all, sorry for replying to this old e-mail. It's my first time writing in Debian lists and I don't know if this behaviour is unwanted, I apologise in this case.

No problem, that's fine (for me at least).

I've switched from Raspberry Pi OS to a mainline kernel *in place* (I used the images provided by Gunnar at https://raspi.debian.net/tested-images/ <https://raspi.debian.net/tested-images/> as an example of how to configure teh raspi-firmware package and that's it). Everything is working flawlessly for my use case so far, except of the PoE Hat's fan. I've been debugging this for days, with no luck so far. Given your answers, I assume the kernel module it's all that was needed and no extra steps in config.txt are expected to be taken, so I'll omit all the other troubleshooting steps I've taken.

  * Added /pwm_raspberrypi_poe /to /etc/modules. After a reboot, this is
    what I get by running /cat /proc/modules | grep pwm:/
      o /pwm_bcm2835 16384 0 - Live 0x0000000000000000
        pwm_raspberrypi_poe 16384 0 - Live 0x0000000000000000

  * //Run /sensors-detect /from the /lm-sensors /package. The fan is not
    detected at all and can't be controlled by /fancontrol/.

No, that's not enough. Currently I only have remote access to my rpi and I don't want to play with the bootprocess. I have an overlay leftover in /boot/firmware adding only the PWM. If you want the fan, you'd need something like:

$ cat poehat-with-fan.dts

&{/soc/firmware} {
	fwpwm: pwm {
                compatible = "raspberrypi,firmware-poe-pwm";
		#pwm-cells = <2>;

/ {
	pwm-fan {
		compatible = "pwm-fan";
		pwms = <&fwpwm 0 10000 0>;

You have to compile that:

	dtc -I dts -O dtb poehat-with-fan.dts > poehat-with-fan.dtbo

place the resulting dtbo in /boot/firmware/overlay/ and add


to config.txt

There are a few possible difficulties:

 - the above is untested :-)
   (For example I'm not 100% confident about the line to add to
   config.txt, maybe you need to add ".dtbo"?)
 - The dtb for your machine must be compiled with symbols. You either
   have to do that by hand, or you need at least kernel version 6.3.7-1.
   (Or you have to hardcode some phandle values, but that's ugly.)

The folks in #debian-raspberrypi (including me) might be able to help if problems occur.

Theoretically it should be possible to have the poe hat autodetected by the bootrom, but I guess that fails because the dtb isn't similar enough to the rpios device tree.

Best regards

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