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Re: Just tried arm64 netinstall on a bananai-m5

On 2023-08-15, gene heskett wrote:
> used dd to write the arm64-bookworm-12.1 netinstall image to a 64G SDXC 
> ONN. brand card, makes no attempt to boot plugged into a bananapi-m5. 
> bring card back to reader, can't mount it, wrong filesystem for both 
> partitions. Give up, write Armbian-jammie-full-desktop iso to card, 
> mounts ok, boots bananapi-m5 normally.
> What did I do wrong?

Hard to say based on so little information...

My wild guess is the Armbian-jammie-full-desktop iso includes boot

Do you have a URL to the exact image you used?

Do you have any output from the serial console when trying to boot the
Debian image? Armbian?

The only way what you did might work is if you have boot firmware
present on some other media (e.g. SPI, eMMC, etc.) that implements EFI,
such as edk2/tianocore or u-boot.

live well,

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