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Re: fuse control on raspPi


On Wed, Sep 08, 2021 at 09:44:46AM +1000, Keith Bainbridge wrote:
> But even root couldn't chown.   I don't recall this difficulty with
> raspberryOS before.   Do you mean that fuse is not correctable?  \

I meant something different.
sshfs by design is a complex frontend to scp.
Regardless of which user runs sshfs on RPi (or any OS for that matter),
remote "part" of sshfs (i.e. - your laptop filesystem(s)) is limited by
which user you're using to connect it to the remote host.

For instance, a local (for RPi) root is writing to sshfs mounted on a
RPi, yet sshfs is setup like this:

sshfs user@laptop:/ /mnt

And it's expected that actual reads and writes that are happening on a
laptop are limited to whatever directories and files "user" is able to
read and write on the "laptop". And unless remote user is root, chowning
files or directories is forbidden.

If you need more complex behaviour for file sharing, I suggest you to
explore NFS. It is not that hard to learn if you limit it to sec=sys and
Samba will fit this role too, but it takes somewhat strong stomach to
setup and use Samba. YMMV.

> What woukd happen if I removed the 'pi' user account?

In the scenario above that would change nothing. For sshfs (or any
fuse-based filesystem for that matter) is does not really matters who
the local user is, all that matters is which user and where exactly
reads and writes are happening.

> This is why I started a new thread.

Frankly, this subthread belongs to debian-user, there's nothing
ARM-specific here.
In the case of further questions regarding sshfs or network filesystems
in general I suggest you to start a new thread at debian-user.


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