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Re: 20210210_raspi_4_buster.img - howto boot in graphics mode

Thanks a lot. tasksel did the trick. After reboot I can login as root or a normal user in textmode and use startx to start graphics mode. sddm does not start automatically, but I think I have to look in /etc/X11 to solve that. I need some days for that I presume. I write you and the list if I know more.

Op 23-02-2021 om 18:42 schreef Lennart Sorensen:
On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 06:00:03PM +0100, martin wrote:
This morning I downloaded this image 20210210_raspi_4_buster.img from
https://raspi.debian.net/verified/ and installed it on a sdcard. All looks
well in console mode, so I installed KDE and did run adduser to create a
normal user. But now I cannot find out how to boot into graphics mode. There
is no good old startx but the sddm login is in /etc/init.d. I tried to start
it but I don't get any reaction. So my question is:

How do I boot into graphics mode?

You probably didn't install it.  The image is probably kept as minimal as possible by default.
Yes, a minimal image, and I like that.

running 'tasksel' should let you add the graphical desktop and such.

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