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Re: Dreamplug support

W dniu 22.02.2021 o 09:17, Alexandre GRIVEAUX pisze:

I've tried installing Debian on a dreamplug with the last buster files without success (upgrading u-boot, automatic partitioning, etc...), after that i've tried installer of stretch, buster and bullseye:


I admit I do most work on armhf were u-boot search for a script (or EFI, extlinux, ...) and boot, do i need to correct armel u-boot do the same ?

I would go that way.

Enable the CONFIG_DISTRO_DEFAULTS in the U-Boot config and once booted:

1. "printenv" to see existing environment
2. "env default -a" to reset to new defaults
3. set MAC addresses to values from old environment
4. boot OS

Then start using /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf for configuring which kernel to boot. That's probably will be the easiest way.

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