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Re: making debs for u-boot kernels

On Tuesday 30 July 2019 06:42:15 Reco wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 06:02:05AM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > > That simple question is:
> > > >
> > > > What log file do you want to see?
> > >
> > > Assuming Debian defaults - /var/log/kern.log,
> >
> > is empty. kern.log.1 is over 200k, and the list won't accept that.
> This very e-mail that I'm writing from *will* accept it.
I reinstalled debian-arm buster, from scratch. Although I thought I had 
selected xfce4 for the gui, it did not install it. I also did not set a 
root pw because I'm now housebroken to use sudo. So on the reboot I was 
looking at bash login, which I did, tried startx, not found.  So I 
sudo apt install xfce4.  Rebooted, had x ok. then I 
sudo apt install synaptic  build-essential, and somehere in those two 
install sessions it pull in openoffice, all of it. rebooted.

It came  back to naming me on the login screen, and my password worked. 
rebooted anyway, but on the reboot, my user pw was rejected. WTH?  So I 
came into the house to fix us some din-din, and tried an ssh -Y picnc.
it worked.  I tried to change the pw  without changing it by using the 
same for a new one, so that was rejected without an update.

Now, someone tell me why I can login via ssh as me, but can't login on 
its own screen and kybd, as me.

I am  in it from here, so if I knew what to do I can probably fix it 
while logged in via ssh.

Thanks everybody who has a clue.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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