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Re: sshfs failure

On Saturday 12 August 2017 04:02:59 Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

> On 12/08/17 00:15, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Friday 11 August 2017 13:56:16 Jens Thiele wrote:
> >> try to ssh with -v to get more info:
> >> gene@coyote:~$ ssh -v pi@picncsheldon
> >>
> >> jens
> >
> > Maybe, but I have 2 copies of bash, terminal-4.8, and all those
> > logins are working flawlessly.
> I'd expect new but not existing connections to fail if a security
> update has deprecated a key size or type but the daemon hasn't been
> restarted to pick it up.

The error it is now reporting is "missing host".
An strace of the "mount attempt" shows that no attempt was made to access 
/etc/resolv.conf (on this machine) to even look up the hostname, yet it 
works flawlessly w/o doing that to 3 other machines running wheezy. 

For instance:
gene@coyote:/etc$ ls /sshnet/lathe
bin   dev  GenesAmandaHelper-0.61  initrd.img  lost+found  mnt  opt   root  sbin     srv     sys  usr  vmlinuz
boot  etc  home                    lib         media       net  proc  run   selinux  sshnet  tmp  var
gene@coyote:/etc$ ls /sshnet/shop
bin   dev  GenesAmandaHelper-0.61  initrd.img  lost+found  mnt  opt   root  sbin     srv     sys  usr  vmlinuz
boot  etc  home                    lib         media       net  proc  run   selinux  sshnet  tmp  var
gene@coyote:/etc$ ls /sshnet/GO704
bin   dev  GenesAmandaHelper-0.61  initrd.img  lost+found  mnt  proc  run   srv     sys  usr  vmlinuz
boot  etc  home                    lib         media       opt  root  sbin  sshnet  tmp  var

Now, because I have needed to reverse this path while I was at that 
machine, I had created an /sshnet/coyote mount point on picnc.  But its
not a heavily used path so the mount had not been done recently, and:

pi@picnc:/sshnet $ sshfs gene@coyote:/ /sshnet/coyote
The authenticity of host 'coyote (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 67:6b:d8:ba:2e:a0:20:46:1c:51:39:ef:fc:55:a0:90.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
gene@coyote's password: 
pi@picnc:/sshnet $ ls coyote
amandatapes  boot  dev  GenesAmandaHelper-0.61  initrd.img      lib    libexec     media  net  proc  run   selinux  srv     sys  usr  
bin          CoCo  etc  home                    initrd.img.old  lib64  lost+found  mnt    opt  root  sbin  share    sshnet  tmp  var  

So I had to import the key, which I thought was established already,
but it also Just Works as can be seen above.

I can post the strace output, if it would help its not the mystery sized 
novel we usually get, couple screens/pages.

If I changed that machines hostname, which I have but not until I was
having this problem, what do I need to restart on this machine to refresh
any caches of hosts this machine may keep? Like doing a reboot, but only
a namelist cache refresh?

Thanks Mark.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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