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Re: partly OT: Where does mysql store its database?

On 11/10/2013 5:33 PM, Ruediger Leibrandt wrote:

I use my cubieboard based server mostly for filestorage as well as an mumble-
server. However, now I wanted to set up phpBB3, too, but I do not wish it to
store its stuff on the internal nand-flash. I know that this question belongs to
the corresponding mySQL or phpbb3 groups, but...
People expect stuff to be stored on a harddrive and not a nand-flash, and always
seem to think one wants to move the database from one computer to the other.
At least that issue  is explained exhaustively in a range of blogs, forums and
helpsites.  Ijust want to have it in a different location on the same PC.

So, ARM users DO understand that problem, and so I hope somebody can give me a
quick hint. During the setup of the forum I am not asked _WHERE_ I wish to
store the database. So I'll have to move it around later on.
I want to move it to /srv/www/server1/db/ ( the html files reside in
/srv/www/server1/htdocs/ ).

I guess the database resides in /var/lib/mysql or /var/mysql -  I am currently
unable to access the cubieboard, but should be able again tomorrow.
Any help welcome!

This is entirely dependent on the MySQL configuration and has nothing to do with Debian or the ARM port thereof.

You need to be asking in a MySQL newsgroup.


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