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partly OT: Where does mysql store its database?


I use my cubieboard based server mostly for filestorage as well as an mumble-
server. However, now I wanted to set up phpBB3, too, but I do not wish it to 
store its stuff on the internal nand-flash. I know that this question belongs to 
the corresponding mySQL or phpbb3 groups, but... 
People expect stuff to be stored on a harddrive and not a nand-flash, and always 
seem to think one wants to move the database from one computer to the other. 
At least that issue  is explained exhaustively in a range of blogs, forums and 
helpsites.  Ijust want to have it in a different location on the same PC.

So, ARM users DO understand that problem, and so I hope somebody can give me a 
quick hint. During the setup of the forum I am not asked _WHERE_ I wish to 
store the database. So I'll have to move it around later on. 
I want to move it to /srv/www/server1/db/ ( the html files reside in 
/srv/www/server1/htdocs/ ).

I guess the database resides in /var/lib/mysql or /var/mysql -  I am currently 
unable to access the cubieboard, but should be able again tomorrow.
Any help welcome!
Rüdiger Leibrandt

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