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Re: Can't get a Linux 3.6-rc zImage smaller than 2MB


On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 4:47 PM, Rogério Brito <rbrito@ime.usp.br> wrote:
> Initrd.img/ramdisk.gz – 2425607

Just curious: Can you install the package advancecomp and run on that
ramdisk the command:

    advdef -z -4 ramdisk.gz

I've different files, but here goes. Less by 127 kB: 
     3385295     3254732  96% initrd.img-3.8.3-iop32x

and report back the results? Just to be extra safe, you may want to test the
recompressed image with:

    gzip -t ramdisk.gz
Looks fine. 

If the image gets smaller, then you probably will have some space to put one
binary or another in it, so that said image will be more useful.

> Vmlinuz/zImage – 1524976

I don't know how, but it would be nice to see how much improvement one would
get from doing the same trick as above.
root@Koryto:/tmp# advdef -z -4 vmlinuz-3.8.3-iop32x
File type not supported on vmlinuz-3.8.3-iop32x [at void convert_inplace(const std::string&):redef.cc:490]

Maybe I could try to do it on the uncompressed image? I'm actually recompiling at the moment, so will try later.


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