Re: ARM port(s) BoF at DebConf
+++ Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton [2012-07-20 21:27 +0100]:
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Hideki Yamane <> wrote:
> > As I've posted during DebConf(*), Maybe OpenBlocks can solve this problem.
> > It has 2GB RAM, reliable production use and we can buy it NOW.
> >
> > *)
> hideki, those look superb.
I saw one at debconf and it is indeed really nice mini-server hardware
in a proper box and everything! Not easily rackable, but nicely
The only catch seems to be the price on the spec sheet which is
79000 yen, which I make to be best part of 750 euro. I'm not sure
they'll sell any at that price, so hopefully that'll change.
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
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