RE: modern cheap NAS fully supported by Debian?
- To: <>
- Subject: RE: modern cheap NAS fully supported by Debian?
- From: "Paul Kench" <>
- Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 08:53:16 +0100
- Message-id: <00a401cd664c$b8ba09c0$2a2e1d40$>
- In-reply-to: <20120720034229.GB6493@eeepc-1215B>
- References: <20120720034229.GB6493@eeepc-1215B>
> Sorry list, I can imagine this question has been asked many times,
> but
> the answer changes with time and browsing this list and
> related
> resources I cannot find a sufficiently recent (let's say < 1
> year)
> answer to it.
> I gave up on my NSLU 2 which seems irremediably broken (my guess is
> that
> the RAM is botched) and I would like to buy another NAS in that
> price
> range or whereabouts. And of course, I would like to be able to run
> a
> full Debian system on it. Debian Squeeze would be fine, but I
> can
> install Woody if need be. What do you think is a good buy? To
> qualify
> further my question, I was looking at something like the XTreamer
> ETrayz
>, but that machine is no
> longer
> in production and I don't even know if Debian can be installed over it.
I would be Kirkwood all the way. I currently have a Netgear Stora, which is
a Kirkwood device, with 2 internal 2.5" drive bays, only available used
currently I think). It's a nice device.
It only has 128MB RAM, which is OK for Squeeze (squeeze installer and
instructions available at, but seems to be tight for Wheezy.
I am currently investigating the Zyxel NSA310 which has 256MB RAM and 1x
3.5" bay and an eSATA port, prices look reasonable (£70ish no drive, new).
If you can make do with USB only an Iomega iConnect has 256MB RAM but again
is only available used (I have one too). Easy to turn into an wireless AP
too (internal mini-PCIe slot, which you could repurpose for SATA I suppose),
again installer available at .
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