Re: ARM port(s) BoF at DebConf
2012/7/20 Hideki Yamane <>:
> Hi,
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2012 18:35:44 +0100
> Steve McIntyre <> wrote:
>> buildds
>> =======
>> Both armel and armhf are doing well, covering ~96% of the archive. We
>> don't have any ARM server hardware yet, so we're stuck using
>> development boards as build machines. They work, but they're a PITA
>> for hosting and they're not designed for 24x7 usage like we're doing
>> so they're not that reliable.
> As I've posted during DebConf(*), Maybe OpenBlocks can solve this problem.
> It has 2GB RAM, reliable production use and we can buy it NOW.
Note: This device can carry 2 GB of memory at the maximum. It is 1 GB at first.
It does not necessarily have this 2 GB from first.
> *)
> I'll continue to communicate with that company, so if you have any questions/
> comments/suggestions/request/discount;), please tell me whether on-list or
> privately.
Well, I already taking about this.
And the kernel of this machine has not been supported by upstream yet.
We have some problems which should be solved.
Best regards,
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
iwamatsu at { /}
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