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Re: LEDs on a Sheevaplug

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 06:42:00AM +0100, Chris Moore wrote:
> I have never had any problems with minicom on Linux. There is a
> Ubuntu package for it.

Trying to list some problems of minicom:
- It requires 'root' to run, for most useful things. The code is full of
  "if(getuid())", and requires some files in /etc.
- It always emulates a terminal, 'translating' the chosen terminal emulation to
  curses operations for the terminal you use minicom in. This emulation is quite
  minimal, and usually breaks unicode and disables any powerful terminal
  feature, setting a 'vt100' or so in the middlle.
- It's meant for MODEMs, and it's hard to get it working without a DTR signal in
  the serial port.
- It usually sends a Hayes sequence when starting.

putty does a better job, but it still emulates a terminal. I imagine screen does
so too.

cu does not emulate any terminal, which for me is a great advantage.

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