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Re: Does anyone recommend the Smart Book from Always Innovating

On 14 November 2011 03:39, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@lkcl.net> wrote:
>  i.e. is it a toy or is it a serious-usage device?

DISCLAIMER: I work for Genesi.
FWIW, I've pretty much done the armhf port -and other more s/w
development related work, such as drivers- on the mx51 Smartbook [1].
As soon as you don't expect it to perform like your i7 laptop, it
performs pretty much as my previous powerbook G4 1Ghz, so I've not
downgraded that much. Sure you cannot run eclipse and do enterprise
java work on the Smartbook, this will take at least 2-3 years to be
possible with ARM laptops, but for most other things it's quite
reaasonable. I've been using it for more than a year non-stop, so it's
possible to do real serious-usage on it -and it's really visible, the
kbd is already worn out :)

>  there's a reason why the ippad went back to the 1024x768 LCD size
> that so fell out of fashion.

If that was taken out of the context of the previous question, I'd
agree, but how can you claim that the ipad is a serious-usage device?
Sure you can check your mail and surf the web and play games, but you
can do that on the cell phone as well. As soon as you actually need to
type something long, all those touch tablets lose immediately.

>  absolutely nowhere in china (internally) does anyone buy the 1024x600
> LCD size in large volume.  they all have the smaller devices (800x600,
> whatever), accept its limitations for out-and-about and jaw-droppingly
> low price, then use a large 14in or greater laptop for serious work.

I'll take your word for that, though I do see lots of new light
laptop/netbook models with 11" screens (the new Air, some Toshiba
ones), so it's not small 7-10" 800x600 or 14" only.



[1]. Yes I have lots of other arm devices as well, incl lots of
smarttops, but usually I just ssh to them, from the smartbook and
armhf has just reached ~94%
http://buildd.debian-ports.org/stats/graph-big.png. I don't really
turn on my pc that much anymore, it just makes too much noise. :)

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