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Re: Installing lenny on mtd0 of Sheeva Plug

* Douglas Lopes Pereira <douglaslopespereira@gmail.com> [2009-09-21 16:55]:
> > On Martins Debian there is also the flash-kernel script, maybe see
> > if it can actually flash as well, I only used it to create proper
> > uImage and uInitrd files.
> I've tried to run flash-kernel but I couldn't figure out how to use
> it.
> Can anyone please walk me through it? How do I use flash-kernel?

On systems that use U-Boot (like the SheevaPlug), the kernel and
ramdisk have to be wrapped with a special header so U-Boot will boot
them.  What flash-kernel does on the SheevaPlug is to take your kernel
and ramdisk from /boot and then create /boot/uImage and /boot/uInitrd
that can be loaded by U-Boot.  flash-kernel is ran automatically when
you install a new kernel, so you don't have to do anything.

Note that despite the name, flash-kernel on the SheevaPlug currently
doesn't write anything to flash.  It makes a bootable image on disk,
which is what the USB and SD boot options require (the two currently

> My plan is to flash mtd1 with uImage and copy my entire file system
> to mtd2. Does it looks okay to you guys?

This is currently not supported out of the box, altough I'm sure you
can get it running.  I also heard that Rabeeh Khoury from Marvell is
working on a Debian base system that can be put in flash (presumably it
will be announced on the PlugForum).
Martin Michlmayr

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