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Re: NSLU2 won't reboot after recent etch upgrade

On Sat, 20 Sep 2008 23:04:06 -0600, you wrote:

> If copying a previously saved version of /boot to the your /boot
> partition really solved the problem, then problem couldn't have been
> with the kernel or the initramfs, because the kernel and initramfs
> that are used during boot are stored in the NSLU2 flash memory:
> copying them to /boot without running flash-kernel would have made no
> difference to your system.

I was astonished that the copying of the files solved the problem as I
supposed the kernel and initramfs to be flashed into the eeprom. But
it lasts only for one boot.

> It sounds like your system either had a
> problem mounting a hard drive or the system got stuck during an fsck.
> Was there any drive activity when the NSLU2 appeared inactive?

No, nothing. The stick I boot from was completely inactive.

> Also,
> did you set FSCKFIX=yes in /etc/default/rcS according to the hints in
> /usr/share/doc/nslu2-utils/README.Debian? If not, you may like to do
> this on your reinstalled system.

The FSCKFIX=yes is set the first time I booted ever ;-)

> It is possible that your root disk changed device name, e.g. from sda
> to sdb. If your partitions in /etc/fstab are listed by device name
> (e.g. sda, sdb, etc), then your system would not have been able to
> find your root disk, and the boot would have failed.

Maybe that this was the problem. The root disk is mounted by /dev/sda,
the swap by label and the data disks by udev. I'll go to change that.

At the moment I believe that maybe the flashing of the new kernel
wasn't sucessfull. It is strange that I'm not the only one with this

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

H. Hiemesch

homepage: http://mitglied.lycos.de/hiemesch/index.shtml

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