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Re: Can someone still help with install

Hi John and Markus

On 4/18/07, John Fieldsend <jfieldsend@gmail.com> wrote:

Could not connect to ftp.uk.debian.org:80 (, connection timed out

Ok, so now we need to figure out what is causing the following message
in your syslogs.

Apr 14 13:25:00 base-installer: Could not create a socket for
2001:6b0:e:2018::137 (f=10 t=1 p=6) - socket (97 Address family not
supported by protocol) [IP: 2001:6b0:e:2018::137 80]

The discussion on debian-boot has reached the same conclusion, but
nobody knows why this problem is happening.


Gordon Farquharson

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