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Re: officially support the jornadas 7xx series in debian arm port

Hi Wookey,

> Great. Thank for wanting to help. Given your existing debootstrap-only
> install mechanism conventional install support is going to be tricky.
> Debian support generally for handhelds is currently pretty weak so you
> will be pushing into new territory to some extent. This needs doing
> IMHO but you may have to work to persuade people with a 'desktop' view
> of the world.

No problem, the people that uses debian in jornada 7xx uses it pretty like as 
a workstation linux distro, since it has a nice screen and keyboard and 
usually people has 512M or more (1G is common) of compact flash memory.

> I hesitate to say how you should proceed. If you already know what
> changes you want in debian then just send in patches, or discuss them
> here if they might be controversial.

I do plan in placing the stock installer in a initrd image in a common way, i 
dunno if we'll need to make changes to the installer.
the only extra stuff we'll be the bootloader (linexec).

> If not you need to get the patches into the mainline kernel and the
> journada enabled in the kernel build, talk to the debian-installer
> people about whether there is any point trying to support it there or
> just ignore that bit, and talk to embedded debian about using their
> minimised and more handheld-freindly (unfinished) variant in the
> future.

I'll take a look at debian installer to see how it works and then talk to the 
debian installer people.
I think supporting the 'standart' debian is the objective.

> Is you exsiting distro using kernel 2.6 or not? The web page suggests
> it might not be.

I spoke the Kristoffer Ericson (jornada kernel maintainer), and he said that 
probably until 2.6.22 russell king will accept the patches.
The 2.4.34 kernel works ok with the jornada patchset, and 2.6.20 too (sound 
not working in 2.6 yet), but the vanilla kernel will work soon, I hope.

rafael diniz

Eng. da Computação @  Unicamp
Rádio Muda, radiolivre.org, TV Piolho, tvlivre.org, www.midiaindependente.org
Chave PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x2FF86098

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