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Re: Unidentified subject!


James wrote:

This device looks interesting. However, I could not find any
information about the single most important issue in
firmware development (JTAG port). Many SOC devices,
if indeed this is a system on a chip, do not properly
implement a JTAG interface, or it is dysfunctional.

I just took a look at the (somewhat unenlightening) datasheet for the MMSP2, section 2.2 mentions JTAG interface pins. Apparently the pins are somewhat accessible, at least on the GP32:


That link came from the GP32X boards:


Another killer point seems to be a lack of 2.6.x kernel
options. This may be do the SOC's details being
obscure, or did I miss that web page.....?

Well, 2.6 does support 920T's, so there's a chance that the base kernel wouldn't be too hard to get running. This guy claims to be working on it:


Any other Debian-arm products, with a JTAG
interface, that is fully functional and documented
would be of keen interest to me. (suggestions)

The Cogent CSB6xx boards are all fully documented, have fully-functional JTAG ports, and run debian-arm (except the MIPS platforms). :)


Bill Gatliff

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