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Memory problems with pre8-cvs-kernel


I found a problem in the pre8 kernel found in cvs on netwinder.org.

In arch/arm/setup.c bootmem_init is called which uses free_bootmem_core to
mark the existing memory.
Later, create_memmap_holes calls free_bootmem_core to mark all the holes in

So after that, all memory is marked and put on the free-list by
free_all_bootmem. I can only believe this is a bug. For now it works if I
comment out create_memmap_holes from arch/arm/mm/init.c.


      (o o)
| schulz@ira.uka.de                         | ... because you are always as |
| Alexander.Schulz@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de    | dead as you think you are!    |
| www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Alexander.Schulz    | (D. Adams : mostly harmless)  |

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