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Re: Problems with ARM RISC machine with new install

In message <[🔎] Marcel-1.50-0829180316-345h+Ty@chewy.aleph1.co.uk>
          Wookey <wookey@aleph1.co.uk> wrote:

> The existing debian release essentially won't install on a Risc-pc without a
> great deal of jiggery-pokery as the RISCOS disc formats and keyboard maps are
> not yet supported by boot-floppies (the thing that generates the install
> disks).
> By far the easiest way to install debian is to use the existing aout ARMLinux
> release (from Russell King's website, or from us on CD) and then use Peter
> Naul's docs which explain how to stop the process part way through and get
> the debian base imnage installed instead (link on our site in the riscos
> resources section).

I've just this evening installed a Debian system on a RiscPC from boot
floppies I've built - thanks to a few patches from Jim Studt.  There are
3 specific niggles with it - all of which I'm sure Wookey is aware of,
and all of which I can fix fairly readily.  "Naulls'" is the correct
term when referring to some which I've done btw :-)

> We're working on fixing boot-floppies (done the keymaps, getting on well with
> the disk format stuff) and doing a new RISC-OS installer and docs right now,
> and expect to have something in a couple of months (it would be less but I'm
> on hols for a few weeks :-) That should make things a great deal easier.

Hopefully I'll have something much sooner than that :-)
And probably also a document as extensive as the existing one describing
the install procedure (since it's tricky in places).

BTW, someone in usenet suggested that the Debian image on the Aleph1 CD
is corrupt - is this the case, or is it their mistake?


 Peter Naulls - peter@erble.freeserve.co.uk
 Homepage - http://free.prohosting.com/~chocky/
 Java for RISC OS and ARM - http://free.prohosting.com/~chocky/java/
 Debian Linux on RiscPCs - http://www.erble.freeserve.co.uk/

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