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First usable cut at ARM install disks.

I've put a copy of boot-floppies 2.2.7 (heavily butchered) out on... 


It is known to be flawed, but the instructions in...


... should get you through it.  The current version is netwinder only.
I believe you need 2.0.7 NeTTrom or better.  I have 2.0.8c on my test
box and it worked.

folk.federated.com is a mirror, but only on a T1.  Unless I screwed
up my exlcudes the binary-arm/ directory should survive mirroring and
keep my local arm boot stuff.

The floppy images are being copied up and will be available for the 
brave to try with other ARM machines.  You need something that will
start a kernel and load the root image.

For those of your looking closely... Yes, there is a magical step.
The deb-nw kernel that is loaded with tftp was been tweaked to contain
the root image so you do not have to have an NFS server for the root.
(Which incidentally doesn't work very well because loop device and
NFS don't work together.)  

If you try this out, please e-mail me and let me know how it goes.
I've installed several times, including over a 128kbps line (about 25
minutes), but only on a very old Netwinder.

                                     Jim Studt, President
                                     The Federated Software Group, Inc.

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