Re: New Image
On Mon, Aug 30, 1999 at 10:42:19AM -0500, wrote:
> - everything I see is netwinder specific. boot images, roms, therm, etc
> is netwinder baggage avoidable when installing?
Umm, it's hardware, so something has to talk to the hardware. Like
lilo on intel.
> - I don't and haven't used debian: I looked at the cd creation
> pages on and found alot of i386 specific stuff. How can
> I create a cd of the current arm port? the machine I am trying to
> install is disk space and bandwith impaired so ftp install or
> copying to the hard disk is not an option and what I downloaded was
> around 800 meg.
You're going to have to burn it yourself, I think.
> - what is the *real* status of Xfree86?
Can't answer this one.
> - what do I need minimally to install the debian port? e.g. I am
> working with a bastardized version of ARMLinux from
> - will this suffice to use the debian image?
You need to partition the disk, and then put the debian image on the
new partition. Whatever tools you can get to do this job are good
enough, I guess.
> - what is the status of the port? how long will it be before it is
> considered a "finished" product?
There aren't a lot of us working on it. I don't see it being released
as 'stable' this go round. Maybe the next one...
David N. Welton ( Circa mea pectora ) multa sunt suspiria ( de tua pulchritudine + ) que me ledunt misere
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