[maor-installer@debian.org: dpkg_1.4.1.6_arm.changes INSTALLED]
Hello friends,
should I have recieved this mail?
I think some porter of you has forgotten the "-Mmy name <my@email>"
option to dpkg-buildpackage when porting it, but maybe I'm wrong.
----- Forwarded message from Debian Installer <maor-installer@debian.org> -----
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From: Debian Installer <maor-installer@debian.org>
To: Marcus Brinkmann <brinkmd@debian.org>
Subject: dpkg_1.4.1.6_arm.changes INSTALLED
X-UIDL: 6e52d775a54e21f3122c85d6361e5d13
dpkg_1.4.1.6_arm.nondebbin.tar.gz byhand
to dists/potato/main/binary-arm/base/dpkg_1.4.1.6.deb
Changes: dpkg ( unstable; urgency=low
* Non-maintainer release.
* scripts/dpkg-architecture.pl: Update to latest version.
* scripts/dpkg-architecture.1: Likewise.
If the override file requires editing, reply to this email.
Thank you for your contribution to Debian GNU/Linux.
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`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian http://www.debian.org finger brinkmd@
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