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Anyone working on emacs? I first thought I'd work on the X sources, but
when trying to use sudo, I found that I wasn't in the sudoers file, so
I tried to fire up emacs (first choise editor... :), not avail, then I
thought, ahh, well... I'd use jed then, that's almost emacs... :) Nope!
joe? nope! ae? nope... No editors?

I'd work on emacs, if nobody is already working on that...

 Turbo     __ _     Debian GNU     Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just 
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         / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /          papadoc.nocrew.org          
  _ /// / /__| | | | | |_| |>  <  Turbo Fredriksson    turbo@tripnet.se
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