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DHCP building

I've started to build the DHCP packages... The DHCPcd is done (this is
my first on the ARM). Some info how to build/upload etc would be apreciated

1. Which compiler is used in the CHROOT?
   (Doesn't seem to be gcc, it complains about main not returning int, and
   I've never seen gcc do that lately).

2. Which files is needed for a upload?

3. What do I do with the files prior/after a upload?

4. I didn't exist in the CHROOT's passwd file, and there are two other
   guy's that don't exist there ether, but I only cared about my account.

   Could it be automated that the /etc/passwd got copied to CHROOT/etc/passwd
   when a user is added/removed etc?

   Or is that up to us? :)

5. Anything else I need to know about the machine, porting etc?

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