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Re: Built shadow things (and some glibc bits)

>BTW, I am currently working on glibc 2.0.96, and I'm wondering if I should 
>add arm to the "HAS_LIBC5" variable (this is currently used for some 
>conditionals, the first (depending on whether $HAS_LIBC contains the 
>current architecture as a component) is whether or not a pre-depends on 
>ldso (for the libc5 ld.so (ld-linux.so.1) and libc5-supporting ldd) is 
>necessary, the second (depending on whether $HAS_LIBC contains the current 
>architecture as a component) builds and installs ldconfig and ldd from the 
>glibc sources.

I don't think so.  ARM uses the glibc ld.so and its friends.  There never was 
a libc.so.5 for the ARM, in fact.


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