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Re: ARM updates

Philip Blundell <philb@gnu.org> writes:

> >I have also uploaded the source for 2.0.96 to my server - at least, as
> >far as I've gotten.  It almost works - but not quite.  The ld.so it
> >builds seems to segfault when running some files (but not others).  I
> >have the problems even when I use the old glibc, binutils and no
> >versioning - so it doesn't look like a bug I've introduced.
> Can you be any more specific about what these files are?  If you can
> mail me a binary that works with the old ld.so but segfaults with
> the new one I will take a look.
Here's where it dies during the install...  (in a debian script)

set -e; tail +4 localedata/SUPPORTED | \
(while read locale charset; do \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=debian/hold/lib I18NPATH=debian/hold/usr/share/i18n \
debian/hold/lib/ld-linux.so.2 debian/hold/usr/bin/localedef \
        -c -i debian/hold/usr/share/i18n/locales/$locale \
        -f debian/hold/usr/share/i18n/charmaps/$charset \
        debian/tmp/usr/share/locale/$locale; done)

Nothing goes to stdout/stderr on the NetWinder, but I get this on the

07650:  file=debian/hold/usr/bin/localedef;  generating link map
SEGV: bad permissions 1875
ld-linux.so.2: memory violation at pc=0x00003074, lr=0x00016920
		(bad address=0x00001000, code 1)

pc :[00003074] lr :[00016920]
sp : bfffe3a4  ip : bfffe38c  fp : bfffe418
r10: 0002150c  r9 : 400002c7  r8 : 0001924e
r7 : 00000000  r6 : 00000004  r5 : 00001000  r4 : 400002e8
r3 : 00001000  r2 : 00000000  r1 : 00000000  r0 : 40000300
Flags: nzCv  IRQs on  FIQs on  Mode USER_32
Function entered at [<00016824>] from [<00014a88>]
Function entered at [<0001482c>] from [<000147f8>]
Function entered at [<000146a4>] from [<0000d044>]
Function entered at [<0000ce88>] from [<000095f4>]
Function entered at [<000093c8>] from [<0000abbc>]
Function entered at [<0000a67c>] from [<00006188>]
Function entered at [<00005ecc>] from [<00010ac0>]
Function entered at [<000107a8>] from [<00005d6c>]
Function entered at [<000055b0>] from [<00005528>]
/home/jim/bin/do-locale: line 9:  7660 Segmentation fault      LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/debian/hold/lib I18NPATH=debian/hold/usr/share/i18n LD_DEBUG=bindings,files,libs,reloc,symbols,versions debian/hold/lib/ld-linux.so.2 debian/hold/usr/bin/localedef -c -i debian/hold/usr/share/i18n/locales/$locale -f debian/hold/usr/share/i18n/charmaps/$charset debian/tmp/usr/share/locale/$locale

I realize that's probably next to useless...

I tried doing some tests using "make check", and some test worked (and
many died similar deaths).  Unfortunately, I'll have to attempt them
again because I erased my old results.


 - Jim

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