debian-apache Apr 2014 by subject

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Apache 2.2.22 security updates Bug#733255: ssl-cert: start creating SHA2-based certificates Re: Bug#733564: pu: apache2 with ECDHE support Bug#733979: apache "a2dismod cgi" fails with mpm-worker and mod-fastcgi installed Bug#734441: marked as done (link to <If>) Bug#734865: Bug#743336: shaarli: transition towards Apache 2.4 Bug#743483: apache2-mpm-itk: AssignUserID is ignored in favor of file ownership. Bug#743860: apache2: Apache forgets about /cgi-bin on restart Bug#743915: apache2: wrong DOCUMENT_LOCATION in fhs_compliance.patch in apache2_2.4.9-1.debian.tar.xz source package Bug#745605: apache2: ignores AddDefaultCharset Bug#745812: apache2.preinst depends on a2query, which may not exist Bug#745834: Acknowledgement (dh-apache2 causes a postinst failure when a package depends on an apache2-bin provided module) Bug#745834: dh-apache2 causes a postinst failure when a package depends on an apache2-bin provided module Bug#746359: Please add comments in ssl.conf about using SSLHonorCipherOrder for security enhancement Premier sur Google en 2014 Processed: fixed 707770 in 2.4.1-1 Processed: found 711755 in 2.4.6-2 Processed: found 742530 in 2.2.16-6, fixed 742530 in 2.4.9-1 Processed: reassign 719756 to apache2, found 719756 in 2.4.6-2, forcibly merging 711755 719756 ... Processed: tagging 743915 RFH: updating gitweb packaging for Apache 2.4 The last update was on 06:30 GMT Sun Jun 02. There are 32 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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