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Bug#253203: apache will not start due to syntax error

I've already tried all this... but here's the output for your benefit.
I was hoping for some sort of gdb or extended debugging ideas to tell me
what file apache is choaking on.

> Please run the following commands for me:
> /etc/init.d/apache stop
> to be sure nothing is running.

[root@janitor: ~]$ ps auxw |grep apache
root     27561  0.0  0.0  1536  460 pts/2    S+   07:04   0:00 grep apache
[root@janitor: ~]$ /etc/init.d/apache stop
Stopping web server: apachestart-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill
14803: No
such process
1 pids were not killed
No process in pidfile `/var/run/apache.pid' found running; none killed.


> apachectl configtest
> that will check if there are obviuos errors in the config files

[root@janitor: ~]$ apachectl configtest
Bareword found where operator expected at /dev/null line 1, near
        (Missing operator before bin?)
Number found where operator expected at /dev/null line 1, near "line 68"
        (Do you need to predeclare line?)
syntax error at /dev/null line 1, near "/usr/sbin"
Execution of /dev/null aborted due to compilation errors.
parse: Success


> and repeat the same test executing:
> apache -t

[root@janitor: ~]$ apache -t
Bareword found where operator expected at /dev/null line 1, near
        (Missing operator before bin?)
Number found where operator expected at /dev/null line 1, near "line 68"
        (Do you need to predeclare line?)
syntax error at /dev/null line 1, near "/usr/sbin"
Execution of /dev/null aborted due to compilation errors.
parse: Success


> try to start apache again and keep an eye on /var/log/error.log.

[root@janitor: ~]$ more /var/log/apache/error.log
[Mon Jun  7 16:27:10 2004] [warn] pid file /var/run/apache.pid overwritten
-- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
[Mon Jun  7 16:28:19 2004] [warn] pid file /var/run/apache.pid overwritten
-- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?


> Try first with /etc/init.d/apache start (and see if it starts) stop it
> again and try apachectl start.

[root@janitor: ~]$ /etc/init.d/apache start
Configuration syntax error detected. Not reloading.

Bareword found where operator expected at /dev/null line 1, near
        (Missing operator before bin?)
Number found where operator expected at /dev/null line 1, near "line 68"
        (Do you need to predeclare line?)
syntax error at /dev/null line 1, near "/usr/sbin"
Execution of /dev/null aborted due to compilation errors.
parse: Success
[root@janitor: ~]$ /etc/init.d/apache stop
Stopping web server: apachestart-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill
14803: No
such process
1 pids were not killed
No process in pidfile `/var/run/apache.pid' found running; none killed.
[root@janitor: ~]$ apachectl start
Bareword found where operator expected at /dev/null line 1, near
        (Missing operator before bin?)
Number found where operator expected at /dev/null line 1, near "line 68"
        (Do you need to predeclare line?)
syntax error at /dev/null line 1, near "/usr/sbin"
Execution of /dev/null aborted due to compilation errors.
parse: Success
/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

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