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Bug#232954: Another variation

I've installed on another machine, and this time observe more or less
the apache 1 Debian customized start page (except that 2 of the
graphics don't show; the one with the Apache feather at the bottom

There are two obvious differences between these machines:
1. This one had apache v 1 installed previously, and though I have
removed its files I have not purged them.  In particular, they remain
under /var/www.
2. This one has mpm-worker; the other had mpm-perchild.  However, both
seem to be running as www-data and using /var/www/ for their root
location to display.

In short, I think item 1 is the problem.

While leaving the customized pages in /var/www is probably consistent
with policy, it is unfortunate in this case.  For example, the old
page refers to httpd.conf, and there are probably other anacronisms.
Also the graphics are messed up.

Probably if apache2 installed a proper start page of its own it would
overwrite the old stuff and the problem would go away.  But then, you
don't want to overwrite a customized start page...

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