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--suexec-docroot, any plans to relax the default

Hello Debian-Apache maintainers,

I've searched the Debian mailing lists and browsed through the Apache
package's bug report looking for a response or statement from the
maintainers regarding the restriction of the compile time
--suexec-docroot flag to '/var/www'.  Bug #152564 has been open on this
issue for almost two years. 

I would like to know if the maintainers could state if there is any
intention of relaxing the flag to '/'.  I'm not holding my breath on
this, but it would be nice to see the bug closed either way.

Thanks for the excellent work on the package,


Martin Foster                                   Phone:   +61 3 9674 7659
Systems Engineer               P A C I F I C    Fax:     +61 3 9698 4659
Pacific Internet (Australia)  I N T E R N E T   Mobile:  +61 4 1608 4325
http://www.pacific.net.au/                      NASDAQ:  PCNTF

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