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Bug#220332: Justification for move from conf.d to sites-available

On 16 Nov 2003, at 18:33, Philip Miller wrote:

The file (currently placed in /etc/apache2/conf.d/apache2-doc) describes a set of files to be served by apache. It contains Directory and Alias directives, comparable to the contents of, for example, /etc/apache2/sites-available/default It certainly does NOT contain configuration directives that modify the operation of the server.

Uh, wrong. It contains many configuration directives, such as the ones you just listed. Also, it should be available for all sites. (As it is for Apache 1.3). Thus, it is *not* a site. It is not enclosed in <VirtualHost> tags. It is *not* a virtual host. it doesn't have a document root, or anything else implicit in something being a site.

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