Bug#214525: apache: Should not refer to debconf widgets in templates/other templates suggestions
Quoting Fabio Massimo Di Nitto (fabbione@fabbione.net):
> > Debconf templates should not refer no debconf widgets of a particular
> > debconf interface. Using "You can either say Yes" is incorrect as some
> > interface do not show the user with a Yes/No choice (for instance, the Gnome
> > interface).
> >
> > The offending template should be rephrased.
> I did this before uploading -2.
Yes, I sam this.
> > Another suggestion : the "Would you like to start xxxx at boot time?"
> > tempaltes could use the ${flavour} trick you used elsewhere for avoiding
> > useless repetition. This would save some work to translators.
> This has to be done in preinstall phase and i cannot be sure that a shared
> template is in place at that time of the installation process so i need to
> replicate the template for each apache.
> A similar problems applies to the other templates that ask for port,
> documentroot, servername and serveradmin. Using a shared template here is
> dangerous and extremely complex because it would require the use of the
> unseen flag. (quite difficult to handle without hitting users feelings
> and yes i did try it without a good success)
OK. Looks like you deeply investigate this. My report was just there
in case this was forgotten. This obvioulsy wasn't, so let's consider
this can't be "fixed".
Translators will then copy/paste their translations and then try no to
make copy/paste errors.. :-)
> > Again another suggestion : the paragraph mentioning the two new files would
> > be reformatted for using an enumeration, which would make it easier to read.
> > I will anyway use an enumeration in the french version.
> [SNIP]
> Yes you are right, i missed this one in the mess. I will change it and
> regenerate the files monday next week (if noone else will do it before
> me).
OK. So, as far as I know, as soon as this enumeration thing is sorted
out, nothing else to be fixed remains in the bug report.
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