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mod-frontpage-mirfak and FP2002SE SR1.1


I am concerned about people installing libapache-mod-frontpage-mirfak
package for mod_frontpage because it's the only mod_frontpage solution
listed in Packages for testing and unstable when it seems to be stagnant and
may not recieve upstream security updates if it moves into the next stable.

One of the developers, Jean-Michal Dault has posted to the discussions on
mirfak.sf.net that the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions for Unix version 5
Service Release 1.1 meets his needs and he doesn't plan on any further
development on 'Improved mod_frontpage'/'mod_frontpage-mirfak'.

The Improved mod_frontpage site, home.edo.uni-dortmund.de is even more
stagnant than the Mirfak project, with the latest update on Feb 2001.

I appreciate the work the Debian and the upstream maintainers and developers
have done, and I realize there was a time when this solution was sorely
needed even if it had a few bugs.

For now unless someone can fix the bugs in Mirfak, prepare an Apache 2.x
version, and keep it active enough to patch in bugfixes, especially security
ones, I believe it would be better to point people to the Ready To Run port
at www.rtr.com than to provide this solution. Their version works as a DSO
with the apache 1.3.26 or later. It is suppose to work with Apache 2.x. It
is used in place of mod_frontpage-mirfak by the developer who ported
Improved mod_frontpage to DSO.

Maybe there could be a new package that just install some scripts and info about installing 'the real thing'.

It would provide an entry into the Packages file, showing people that there is
a way to get mod_frontpage into a Debian system and hopefully not require
much maintenance. Backporting should be a 'snap' since I was able to install
SR 1.1 onto Woody with minor work.

Jacob Anawalt
I'm not on the list, please CC me.

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