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Re: Maintainer's scripts for modules package

On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 02:11:28PM -0500, Mark Eichin wrote:
> > Last time I've got a few bugreports and they are related to postinst
> > script which tries to modify httpd.conf (i.e. #138411). What should I do?
> Look at wwwconfig-common; it has a lot of helper scripts for exactly
> this sort of thing.  (Even if there *are* policy issues, they should
> eventually get resolved by changes in wwwconfig-common, so that you
> don't have to change your package...)
> 			_Mark_ <eichin@thok.org>
> 			The Herd of Kittens
> 			Debian Package Maintainer

There is also a proposed policy at

Right now it have just been proposed and should not be used
before people have agreed upon it. My intention with it right
now is to collect ideas that is useful for packaging.

Later wwwconfig-common (which should be splitted into several packages
but I won't do that until woody is released) should be conformed
to such a policy.


// Ola

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