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Updated Debian 11: 11.1 released

The Debian Project                               https://www.debian.org/
Updated Debian 11: 11.1 released                        press@debian.org
October 9th, 2021              https://www.debian.org/News/2021/20211009

The Debian project is pleased to announce the first update of its stable
distribution Debian 11 (codename "bullseye"). This point release mainly
adds corrections for security issues, along with a few adjustments for
serious problems. Security advisories have already been published
separately and are referenced where available.

Please note that the point release does not constitute a new version of
Debian 11 but only updates some of the packages included. There is no
need to throw away old "bullseye" media. After installation, packages
can be upgraded to the current versions using an up-to-date Debian

Those who frequently install updates from security.debian.org won't have
to update many packages, and most such updates are included in the point

New installation images will be available soon at the regular locations.

Upgrading an existing installation to this revision can be achieved by
pointing the package management system at one of Debian's many HTTP
mirrors. A comprehensive list of mirrors is available at:


Miscellaneous Bugfixes

This stable update adds a few important corrections to the following

| Package                   | Reason                                  |
| apr [1]                   | Prevent out-of-bounds array dereference |
|                           |                                         |
| atftp [2]                 | Fix buffer overflow [CVE-2021-41054]    |
|                           |                                         |
| automysqlbackup [3]       | Fix crash when using  "LATEST=yes"      |
|                           |                                         |
| base-files [4]            | Update for the 11.1 point release       |
|                           |                                         |
| clamav [5]                | New upstream stable release; fix        |
|                           | clamdscan segfaults when --fdpass and   |
|                           | --multipass are used together with      |
|                           | ExcludePath                             |
|                           |                                         |
| cloud-init [6]            | Avoid duplicate includedir in /etc/     |
|                           | sudoers                                 |
|                           |                                         |
| cyrus-imapd [7]           | Fix denial-of-service issue [CVE-2021-  |
|                           | 33582]                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| dazzdb [8]                | Fix a use-after-free in DBstats         |
|                           |                                         |
| debian-edu-config [9]     | debian-edu-ltsp-install: extend main    |
|                           | server related exclude list; add slapd  |
|                           | and xrdp-sesman to the list of masked   |
|                           | services                                |
|                           |                                         |
| debian-installer [10]     | Rebuild against proposed updates;       |
|                           | update Linux ABI to 5.10.0-9; use udebs |
|                           | from proposed-updates                   |
|                           |                                         |
| debian-installer-netboot- | Rebuild against proposed-updates; use   |
| images [11]               | udebs from proposed-updates and stable; |
|                           | use xz-compressed Packages files        |
|                           |                                         |
| detox [12]                | Fix handling of large files             |
|                           |                                         |
| devscripts [13]           | Make the --bpo option target bullseye-  |
|                           | backports                               |
|                           |                                         |
| dlt-viewer [14]           | Add missing qdlt/qdlt*.h header files   |
|                           | to dev package                          |
|                           |                                         |
| dpdk [15]                 | New upstream stable release             |
|                           |                                         |
| fetchmail [16]            | Fix segmentation fault and security     |
|                           | regression                              |
|                           |                                         |
| flatpak [17]              | New upstream stable release; don't      |
|                           | inherit an unusual $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR     |
|                           | setting into the sandbox                |
|                           |                                         |
| freeradius [18]           | Fix thread crash and sample             |
|                           | configuration                           |
|                           |                                         |
| galera-3 [19]             | New upstream stable release             |
|                           |                                         |
| galera-4 [20]             | New upstream stable release; solve      |
|                           | circular Conflicts with galera-3 by no  |
|                           | longer providing a virtual  "galera"    |
|                           | package                                 |
|                           |                                         |
| glewlwyd [21]             | Fix possible buffer overflow during     |
|                           | FIDO2 signature validation in webauthn  |
|                           | registration [CVE-2021-40818]           |
|                           |                                         |
| glibc [22]                | Restart openssh-server even if it has   |
|                           | been deconfigured during the upgrade;   |
|                           | fix text fallback when debconf is       |
|                           | unusable                                |
|                           |                                         |
| gnome-maps [23]           | New upstream stable release; fix a      |
|                           | crash when starting up with last-used   |
|                           | map type being aerial, and no aerial    |
|                           | tile definition is found; don't         |
|                           | sometimes write broken last view        |
|                           | position on exit; fix hang when         |
|                           | dragging around route markers           |
|                           |                                         |
| gnome-shell [24]          | New upstream stable release; fix freeze |
|                           | after cancelling (some) system-modal    |
|                           | dialogs; fix word suggestions in on-    |
|                           | screen keyboard; fix crashes            |
|                           |                                         |
| hdf5 [25]                 | Adjust package dependencies to improve  |
|                           | upgrade paths from older releases       |
|                           |                                         |
| iotop-c [26]              | Properly handle UTF-8 process names     |
|                           |                                         |
| jailkit [27]              | Fix creation of jails that need to      |
|                           | use /dev; fix library presence check    |
|                           |                                         |
| java-atk-wrapper [28]     | Also use dbus to detect accessibility   |
|                           | being enabled                           |
|                           |                                         |
| krb5 [29]                 | Fix KDC null dereference crash on FAST  |
|                           | request with no server field [CVE-2021- |
|                           | 37750]; fix memory leak in              |
|                           | krb5_gss_inquire_cred                   |
|                           |                                         |
| libavif [30]              | Use correct libdir in libavif.pc        |
|                           | pkgconfig file                          |
|                           |                                         |
| libbluray [31]            | Switch to embedded libasm; the version  |
|                           | from libasm-java is too new             |
|                           |                                         |
| libdatetime-timezone-perl | New upstream stable release; update DST |
| [32]                      | rules for Samoa and Jordon;             |
|                           | confirmation of no leap second on 2021- |
|                           | 12-31                                   |
|                           |                                         |
| libslirp [33]             | Fix multiple buffer overflow issues     |
|                           | [CVE-2021-3592 CVE-2021-3593 CVE-2021-  |
|                           | 3594 CVE-2021-3595]                     |
|                           |                                         |
| linux [34]                | New upstream stable release; increase   |
|                           | ABI to 9; [rt] Update to 5.10.65-rt53;  |
|                           | [mipsel] bpf, mips: Validate            |
|                           | conditional branch offsets [CVE-2021-   |
|                           | 38300]                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| linux-signed-amd64 [35]   | New upstream stable release; increase   |
|                           | ABI to 9; [rt] Update to 5.10.65-rt53;  |
|                           | [mipsel] bpf, mips: Validate            |
|                           | conditional branch offsets [CVE-2021-   |
|                           | 38300]                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| linux-signed-arm64 [36]   | New upstream stable release; increase   |
|                           | ABI to 9; [rt] Update to 5.10.65-rt53;  |
|                           | [mipsel] bpf, mips: Validate            |
|                           | conditional branch offsets [CVE-2021-   |
|                           | 38300]                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| linux-signed-i386 [37]    | New upstream stable release; increase   |
|                           | ABI to 9; [rt] Update to 5.10.65-rt53;  |
|                           | [mipsel] bpf, mips: Validate            |
|                           | conditional branch offsets [CVE-2021-   |
|                           | 38300]                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| mariadb-10.5 [38]         | New upstream stable release; security   |
|                           | fixes [CVE-2021-2372 CVE-2021-2389]     |
|                           |                                         |
| mbrola [39]               | Fix end of file detection               |
|                           |                                         |
| modsecurity-crs [40]      | Fix request body bypass issue           |
|                           | [CVE-2021-35368]                        |
|                           |                                         |
| mtr [41]                  | Fix regression in JSON output           |
|                           |                                         |
| mutter [42]               | New upstream stable release; kms:       |
|                           | Improve handling of common video modes  |
|                           | that might exceed the possible          |
|                           | bandwidth; ensure valid window texture  |
|                           | size after viewport changes             |
|                           |                                         |
| nautilus [43]             | Avoid opening multiple selected files   |
|                           | in multiple application instances;      |
|                           | don't save window size and position     |
|                           | when tiled; fix some memory leaks;      |
|                           | update translations                     |
|                           |                                         |
| node-ansi-regex [44]      | Fix regular expression-based denial of  |
|                           | service issue [CVE-2021-3807]           |
|                           |                                         |
| node-axios [45]           | Fix regular expression-based denial of  |
|                           | service issue [CVE-2021-3749]           |
|                           |                                         |
| node-object-path [46]     | Fix prototype pollution issues          |
|                           | [CVE-2021-23434 CVE-2021-3805]          |
|                           |                                         |
| node-prismjs [47]         | Fix regular expression-based denial of  |
|                           | service issue [CVE-2021-3801]           |
|                           |                                         |
| node-set-value [48]       | Fix prototype pollution [CVE-2021-      |
|                           | 23440]                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| node-tar [49]             | Remove non-directory paths from the     |
|                           | directory cache [CVE-2021-32803]; strip |
|                           | absolute paths more comprehensively     |
|                           | [CVE-2021-32804]                        |
|                           |                                         |
| osmcoastline [50]         | Fix projections other than WGS84        |
|                           |                                         |
| osmpbf [51]               | Rebuild against protobuf 3.12.4         |
|                           |                                         |
| pam [52]                  | Fix syntax error in libpam0g.postinst   |
|                           | when a systemd unit fails               |
|                           |                                         |
| perl [53]                 | Security update; fix a regular          |
|                           | expression memory leak                  |
|                           |                                         |
| pglogical [54]            | Update for PostgreSQL 13.4 snapshot     |
|                           | handling fixes                          |
|                           |                                         |
| pmdk [55]                 | Fix missing barriers after non-temporal |
|                           | memcpy                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| postgresql-13 [56]        | New upstream stable release; fix mis-   |
|                           | planning of repeated application of a   |
|                           | projection step [CVE-2021-3677];        |
|                           | disallow SSL renegotiation more         |
|                           | completely                              |
|                           |                                         |
| proftpd-dfsg [57]         | Fix  "mod_radius leaks memory contents  |
|                           | to radius server"  and  "sftp           |
|                           | connection aborts with " Corrupted MAC  |
|                           | on input; skip escaping of already-     |
|                           | escaped SQL text                        |
|                           |                                         |
| pyx3 [58]                 | Fix horizontal font alignment issue     |
|                           | with texlive 2020                       |
|                           |                                         |
| reportbug [59]            | Update suite names following bullseye   |
|                           | release                                 |
|                           |                                         |
| request-tracker4 [60]     | Fix login timing side-channel attack    |
|                           | issue [CVE-2021-38562]                  |
|                           |                                         |
| rhonabwy [61]             | Fix JWE CBC tag computation and JWS     |
|                           | alg:none signature verification         |
|                           |                                         |
| rpki-trust-anchors [62]   | Add HTTPS URL to the LACNIC TAL         |
|                           |                                         |
| rsync [63]                | Re-add --copy-devices; fix regression   |
|                           | in --delay-updates; fix edge case in -- |
|                           | mkpath; fix rsync-ssl; fix --sparce and |
|                           | --inplace; update options available to  |
|                           | rrsync; documentation fixes             |
|                           |                                         |
| ruby-rqrcode-rails3 [64]  | Fix for ruby-rqrcode 1.0 compatibility  |
|                           |                                         |
| sabnzbdplus [65]          | Prevent directory escape in renamer     |
|                           | function [CVE-2021-29488]               |
|                           |                                         |
| shellcheck [66]           | Fix rendering of long options in        |
|                           | manpage                                 |
|                           |                                         |
| shiro [67]                | Fix authentication bypass issues        |
|                           | [CVE-2020-1957 CVE-2020-11989 CVE-2020- |
|                           | 13933 CVE-2020-17510]; update Spring    |
|                           | Framework compatibility patch; support  |
|                           | Guice 4                                 |
|                           |                                         |
| speech-dispatcher [68]    | Fix setting of voice name for the       |
|                           | generic module                          |
|                           |                                         |
| telegram-desktop [69]     | Avoid crash when auto-delete is enabled |
|                           |                                         |
| termshark [70]            | Include themes in package               |
|                           |                                         |
| tmux [71]                 | Fix a race condition which results in   |
|                           | the config not being loaded if several  |
|                           | clients are interacting with the server |
|                           | while it's initializing                 |
|                           |                                         |
| txt2man [72]              | Fix regression in handling display      |
|                           | blocks                                  |
|                           |                                         |
| tzdata [73]               | Update DST rules for Samoa and Jordan;  |
|                           | confirm the absence of a leap second on |
|                           | 2021-12-31                              |
|                           |                                         |
| ublock-origin [74]        | New upstream stable release; fix denial |
|                           | of service issue [CVE-2021-36773]       |
|                           |                                         |
| ulfius [75]               | Ensure memory is initialised before use |
|                           | [CVE-2021-40540]                        |
|                           |                                         |

    1: https://packages.debian.org/src:apr
    2: https://packages.debian.org/src:atftp
    3: https://packages.debian.org/src:automysqlbackup
    4: https://packages.debian.org/src:base-files
    5: https://packages.debian.org/src:clamav
    6: https://packages.debian.org/src:cloud-init
    7: https://packages.debian.org/src:cyrus-imapd
    8: https://packages.debian.org/src:dazzdb
    9: https://packages.debian.org/src:debian-edu-config
   10: https://packages.debian.org/src:debian-installer
   11: https://packages.debian.org/src:debian-installer-netboot-images
   12: https://packages.debian.org/src:detox
   13: https://packages.debian.org/src:devscripts
   14: https://packages.debian.org/src:dlt-viewer
   15: https://packages.debian.org/src:dpdk
   16: https://packages.debian.org/src:fetchmail
   17: https://packages.debian.org/src:flatpak
   18: https://packages.debian.org/src:freeradius
   19: https://packages.debian.org/src:galera-3
   20: https://packages.debian.org/src:galera-4
   21: https://packages.debian.org/src:glewlwyd
   22: https://packages.debian.org/src:glibc
   23: https://packages.debian.org/src:gnome-maps
   24: https://packages.debian.org/src:gnome-shell
   25: https://packages.debian.org/src:hdf5
   26: https://packages.debian.org/src:iotop-c
   27: https://packages.debian.org/src:jailkit
   28: https://packages.debian.org/src:java-atk-wrapper
   29: https://packages.debian.org/src:krb5
   30: https://packages.debian.org/src:libavif
   31: https://packages.debian.org/src:libbluray
   32: https://packages.debian.org/src:libdatetime-timezone-perl
   33: https://packages.debian.org/src:libslirp
   34: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux
   35: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux-signed-amd64
   36: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux-signed-arm64
   37: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux-signed-i386
   38: https://packages.debian.org/src:mariadb-10.5
   39: https://packages.debian.org/src:mbrola
   40: https://packages.debian.org/src:modsecurity-crs
   41: https://packages.debian.org/src:mtr
   42: https://packages.debian.org/src:mutter
   43: https://packages.debian.org/src:nautilus
   44: https://packages.debian.org/src:node-ansi-regex
   45: https://packages.debian.org/src:node-axios
   46: https://packages.debian.org/src:node-object-path
   47: https://packages.debian.org/src:node-prismjs
   48: https://packages.debian.org/src:node-set-value
   49: https://packages.debian.org/src:node-tar
   50: https://packages.debian.org/src:osmcoastline
   51: https://packages.debian.org/src:osmpbf
   52: https://packages.debian.org/src:pam
   53: https://packages.debian.org/src:perl
   54: https://packages.debian.org/src:pglogical
   55: https://packages.debian.org/src:pmdk
   56: https://packages.debian.org/src:postgresql-13
   57: https://packages.debian.org/src:proftpd-dfsg
   58: https://packages.debian.org/src:pyx3
   59: https://packages.debian.org/src:reportbug
   60: https://packages.debian.org/src:request-tracker4
   61: https://packages.debian.org/src:rhonabwy
   62: https://packages.debian.org/src:rpki-trust-anchors
   63: https://packages.debian.org/src:rsync
   64: https://packages.debian.org/src:ruby-rqrcode-rails3
   65: https://packages.debian.org/src:sabnzbdplus
   66: https://packages.debian.org/src:shellcheck
   67: https://packages.debian.org/src:shiro
   68: https://packages.debian.org/src:speech-dispatcher
   69: https://packages.debian.org/src:telegram-desktop
   70: https://packages.debian.org/src:termshark
   71: https://packages.debian.org/src:tmux
   72: https://packages.debian.org/src:txt2man
   73: https://packages.debian.org/src:tzdata
   74: https://packages.debian.org/src:ublock-origin
   75: https://packages.debian.org/src:ulfius

Security Updates

This revision adds the following security updates to the stable release.
The Security Team has already released an advisory for each of these

| Advisory ID    | Package                  |
| DSA-4959 [76]  | thunderbird [77]         |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4960 [78]  | haproxy [79]             |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4961 [80]  | tor [81]                 |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4962 [82]  | ledgersmb [83]           |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4963 [84]  | openssl [85]             |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4964 [86]  | grilo [87]               |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4965 [88]  | libssh [89]              |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4966 [90]  | gpac [91]                |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4967 [92]  | squashfs-tools [93]      |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4968 [94]  | haproxy [95]             |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4969 [96]  | firefox-esr [97]         |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4970 [98]  | postorius [99]           |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4971 [100] | ntfs-3g [101]            |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4972 [102] | ghostscript [103]        |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4973 [104] | thunderbird [105]        |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4974 [106] | nextcloud-desktop [107]  |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4975 [108] | webkit2gtk [109]         |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4976 [110] | wpewebkit [111]          |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4977 [112] | xen [113]                |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4978 [114] | linux-signed-amd64 [115] |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4978 [116] | linux-signed-arm64 [117] |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4978 [118] | linux-signed-i386 [119]  |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4978 [120] | linux [121]              |
|                |                          |
| DSA-4979 [122] | mediawiki [123]          |
|                |                          |

   76: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4959
   77: https://packages.debian.org/src:thunderbird
   78: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4960
   79: https://packages.debian.org/src:haproxy
   80: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4961
   81: https://packages.debian.org/src:tor
   82: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4962
   83: https://packages.debian.org/src:ledgersmb
   84: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4963
   85: https://packages.debian.org/src:openssl
   86: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4964
   87: https://packages.debian.org/src:grilo
   88: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4965
   89: https://packages.debian.org/src:libssh
   90: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4966
   91: https://packages.debian.org/src:gpac
   92: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4967
   93: https://packages.debian.org/src:squashfs-tools
   94: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4968
   95: https://packages.debian.org/src:haproxy
   96: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4969
   97: https://packages.debian.org/src:firefox-esr
   98: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4970
   99: https://packages.debian.org/src:postorius
  100: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4971
  101: https://packages.debian.org/src:ntfs-3g
  102: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4972
  103: https://packages.debian.org/src:ghostscript
  104: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4973
  105: https://packages.debian.org/src:thunderbird
  106: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4974
  107: https://packages.debian.org/src:nextcloud-desktop
  108: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4975
  109: https://packages.debian.org/src:webkit2gtk
  110: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4976
  111: https://packages.debian.org/src:wpewebkit
  112: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4977
  113: https://packages.debian.org/src:xen
  114: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4978
  115: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux-signed-amd64
  116: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4978
  117: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux-signed-arm64
  118: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4978
  119: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux-signed-i386
  120: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4978
  121: https://packages.debian.org/src:linux
  122: https://www.debian.org/security/2021/dsa-4979
  123: https://packages.debian.org/src:mediawiki

During the final stages of the bullseye freeze, some updates were
released via the security archive [124] but without an accompanying DSA.
These updates are detailed below.

  124: https://security.debian.org/

| Package                   | Reason                                   |
| apache2 [125]             | Fix mod_proxy HTTP2 request line         |
|                           | injection [CVE-2021-33193]               |
|                           |                                          |
| btrbk [126]               | Fix arbitrary code execution issue       |
|                           | [CVE-2021-38173]                         |
|                           |                                          |
| c-ares [127]              | Fix missing input validation on          |
|                           | hostnames returned by DNS servers        |
|                           | [CVE-2021-3672]                          |
|                           |                                          |
| exiv2 [128]               | Fix overflow issues [CVE-2021-29457      |
|                           | CVE-2021-31292]                          |
|                           |                                          |
| firefox-esr [129]         | New upstream stable release [CVE-2021-   |
|                           | 29980 CVE-2021-29984 CVE-2021-29985      |
|                           | CVE-2021-29986 CVE-2021-29988 CVE-2021-  |
|                           | 29989]                                   |
|                           |                                          |
| libencode-perl [130]      | Encode: mitigate @INC pollution when     |
|                           | loading ConfigLocal [CVE-2021-36770]     |
|                           |                                          |
| libspf2 [131]             | spf_compile.c: Correct size of ds_avail  |
|                           | [CVE-2021-20314]; fix  "reverse"  macro  |
|                           | modifier                                 |
|                           |                                          |
| lynx [132]                | Fix leakage of credentials if SNI was    |
|                           | used together with a URL containing      |
|                           | credentials [CVE-2021-38165]             |
|                           |                                          |
| nodejs [133]              | New upstream stable release; fix use     |
|                           | after free issue [CVE-2021-22930]        |
|                           |                                          |
| tomcat9 [134]             | Fix authentication bypass issue          |
|                           | [CVE-2021-30640] and request smuggling   |
|                           | issue [CVE-2021-33037]                   |
|                           |                                          |
| xmlgraphics-commons [135] | Fix server side request forgery issue    |
|                           | [CVE-2020-11988]                         |
|                           |                                          |

  125: https://packages.debian.org/src:apache2
  126: https://packages.debian.org/src:btrbk
  127: https://packages.debian.org/src:c-ares
  128: https://packages.debian.org/src:exiv2
  129: https://packages.debian.org/src:firefox-esr
  130: https://packages.debian.org/src:libencode-perl
  131: https://packages.debian.org/src:libspf2
  132: https://packages.debian.org/src:lynx
  133: https://packages.debian.org/src:nodejs
  134: https://packages.debian.org/src:tomcat9
  135: https://packages.debian.org/src:xmlgraphics-commons

Debian Installer

The installer has been updated to include the fixes incorporated into
stable by the point release.


The complete lists of packages that have changed with this revision:


The current stable distribution:


Proposed updates to the stable distribution:


stable distribution information (release notes, errata etc.):


Security announcements and information:


About Debian

The Debian Project is an association of Free Software developers who
volunteer their time and effort in order to produce the completely free
operating system Debian.

Contact Information

For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at
https://www.debian.org/, send mail to <press@debian.org>, or contact the
stable release team at <debian-release@lists.debian.org>.

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