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Re: kde Desktop on wheezy - nvidiacard - production ready?

> Is anyone running wheezy today?

Yes. I don't see crashes or critical bugs with major applications, but i avoid KDE on 'production' desktops :) but then, 'production ready' is a slightly broad term :) 

From my i386 laptop, it seems to be ok though (with plasma desktop) if you don't insist on 3D GL eye candy.

Give it a try. You should be able to downgrade anytime, just change sources.list again. 

> have to do with nvidia.

If generic ones (like the nvidia driver from xorg package) don't suffice for you, you may install nvidia-kernel-source and module-assistant, and do
(root:)  m-a clean nvidia; m-a a-i nvidia
You still need to install nvidia-glx, nvidia-support, and dependent stuff; and to ditch the generic driver, you probably need to put 'nvidia' into a rudimentary xorg.conf file as provided by packages nvidia-xconfig.

For failsafe, you should know how to run a root terminal, and better use text-console (the thing you end up with when you deinstall any loginmanager or use Ctrl+Alt+'Entf' (on a German keyboard) from X.) For example if nvidia does not work as expected, use aptitude from textconsole then you should be able to fix anything, without X session.

I recommend put 'testing' into sources.list, instead of 'wheezy'; this will keep you up-to-date even if 'wheezy' gets stale some day.

If your machine is rather modern, you can have both testing and unstable in sources, because they are rather 'close' compared to the large gap between testing and stable. Then you can downgrade specific packages to 'testing' when they seem to be buggy, and keep others (if possible) 'unstable'. For what it's worth.
You can try that with testing / stable too, of course, though it should be harder to balance.

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