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Re: can you install nvidia drivers in pure lenny or do you need a testing/unstable mix,,,,

[[ slightly off-topic ]]

On Wednesday 16 Apr 2008, Alexandru Cardaniuc wrote:
> "The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do
> nothing."
> - Edmund Burke

Does anyone else think it's "interesting" how this quote cropped up in a 
thread about the way some users' machines  (and, by extension, their freedom)  
are effectively being held to ransom by a company who refuse to provide 
proper documentation -- which properly forms a part of the operating 
instructions -- for hardware that people own?

This is enough already!  I will definitely be writing to my MP about this.  It 
is absolutely not right that what amounts to paranoia on nVidia's part  (the 
fear that their competitors might gain some useful advantage from what would 
necessarily be exposed in the documentation)  should stand between users and 
quiet enjoyment of their own property.

delta echo bravo six four at earthshod dot co dot uk

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