Re: Partition suggestions.
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 10:17:47AM +0100, Koen Vermeer wrote:
> Sorry to jump into the thread like this, but: Why not put root on LVM as
> well? I only put /boot in a separate partition, and use all remaining
> space for LVM. But I'd rather know now that my setup sucks (so I can do
> something about it), then when it bites me...
Well if root is in LVM, then fixing problems if you ever screw up the
LVM config is much much harder. And either way you need one partition
outside LVM, either /boot or all of /.
Having managed to screw up LVM and need to fix it again, I was sure
happy root wasn't in LVM that day.
Len Sorensen
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