Re: Total vs per-cpu memory
>> absolutely true. But then, who is so diligent to always do so,
>> especially
>> when developing your own code for scientific computation? I've written
>> some,
>> and only when it was for "public consumption" I cared to put all the
>> checks
>> in all the places... :P
> Ehm, anyone that wants to avoid embareshing things like segfaults in
> their programs. It can save a lot of headaches debuging the problem
> later to just do things right to begin with.
Since you are discussing this. I spent yesterday on trying to debug
ngspice on amd64 with gdb and valgrind. It segfaults on amd64 but not on
i386. Can you point out some good documents on where to put those checks
you mention?
Unfortunately often I don't know when a data structure can be freed.
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