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Re: Offtopic : Large hostings and colocations ¿where?

Igor TAmara wrote:
Do you have a recomendation about where can I have a dedicated
server, or colocation with this info?

You may consider serverbeach.  They can't offer 2T of disk, but their
prices are fairly good, IMO.  They use inexpensive hardware, so they
only hold two disks, but they offer upgrades to 2x 750GB.  Most comes
with 2000G of data transfer per month, or you can upgrade to 10Mbps
unmetered, or even 100Mbps.


Or, you could check out Peer1, the people who host serverbeach's stuff,
and colocate your own server with them.  Haven't looked at their prices..

Of course, it would be lovely to have it with Debian, or maybe have
the opportunity to install remotely with my favorite distro.

Serverbeach do Sarge, and probably Etch soon, but not yet.  They have a
rescue environment that you can use to do pretty much anything.  I'm
running Etch on one of their boxes.  (On second look, they now offer
Etch).  It seems to be a netboot type of thing initiated from a web
interface.  You can booger up your boot loader and still get in to the
rescue environment, but you still don't have remote eyes to see the
console (you'd have to submit a ticket to get help with that).

And, no I don't work for serverbeach..


What's an Intel chip doing in a Mac?
  A whole lot more than it's ever done in a PC.

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