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Re: Opinion question (Core2 Duo)

Lennart Sorensen wrote:
On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 02:18:34PM +0200, Helge Hafting wrote:
My experimental sudoku solving program is 3x faster on
a 1.8GHz 64-bit opteron, than on a 2.4GHz 32-bit pentium. In this case,
a slow 64-bit processor beats a faster 32-bit processor 3x.
And an athlon64 3500+ (2.2GHz) runs bzip2 5x faster than a 2.8GHz
Pentium 4.  The pentium 4 HATES branch heavy code when the branch
prediction fails to work (which essentially by definition it has to on
compression and other optimizing/solving problems).  It might have been
a good design for multimedia streaming operations, but it really sucks
at many general purpose tasks.  I never did like the pentium 4 even from
day 1.

Len Sorensen

Thank you both for the advice.  I am compiling a new preempt/cfs kernel with Intel/core2-specific instructions, and will stick with my -amd64 installation.  Don't fix it if it ain't broke, right?


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