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Re: IA-32 libraries


you can find a well written description on how to install the Intel compilers on Debian here:


The scripts given there fail to correct all stages of the .deb post-installation procedure, but as far as I can see, the only problem is that "<INSTALLDIR>" is not replaced with the correct installation directory, e.g. "/opt/intel/cce/9.1.042/" for Intel C compiler 9.1.042. This is needed for some scripts in the bin directories, e.g. /opt/intel/cce/9.1.042/bin/iccvars.sh.

You can fix this either manually after the package installation, or by replacing $DESTINATION with tmp/$DESTINATION in the make_deb_xxx.sh scripts.

sed -e 's/$DESTINATION/tmp\/$DESTINATION/' make_deb_9e.sh

should do this.


Jo Shields wrote:
On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 11:01 +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
"Irene Laiz" <imlaforxunil@gmail.com> writes:

Dear all,
I'm new to Linux. I've just installed Debian 4.0 on a server based on EA64T
architecture. When trying to install the Intel Fortran Compiler, the
installation fails because the IA-32 version of the following libraries cannot
be found:
Can anyone tell me where to find them? This is what I've done so far (logged
in as root):
apt-get install ia32-libs
The answer I get is that ia32-libs is already installed in its latest version
apt-get ia32-libs-dev
The answer I get is that this package is not available but it can be replaced
with lib32z1-dev, lib32bz2-dev and ia32-libs. When trying to install them I
get a message saying that they're already installed in their latest version.
Thank you very much for your help
Try compiling a hello world with "gcc -m32 -o hello hello.c". If that
works then you have to dig into icc to find why it fails.

Installation doesn't fail. The Intel installer is terribly written, and
queries your system's RPM database to ensure key packages are installed.
Obviously, if your system isn't RPM-based, then you're out of luck.
Ignore the messages if you can, bet to work on repackaging the installer
RPMs if you can't

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